Tips for Camping with a Disability

Recreation & Outings

Tips for Camping with a Disability

Like many activities, camping with a disability has been made easier by accessible facilities and optimized gear.  If you want to camp, it just a few modifications, a bit of planning and a willingness to put up with the ruggedness of camping (most campers would…
Accessible Gardening -- Benefits Plus Tips on How To and Accessories

Recreation & Outings

Accessible Gardening

Planting and nurturing a garden has been, repeatedly, linked to great mental health as well as physical benefits – all of which apply to accessible gardening.  According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, “gardening can cut the risk of a heart attack or stroke…
Enjoy Dogs If You Are Disabled

Recreation & Outings

Enjoy Dogs If You Are Disabled

Don’t let a disability get in the way or you enjoying your dog.  You can still enjoy dogs if you are disabled.  With a few adjustments, dogs can be part of your life and you theirs.  Below are some suggestions that can help you accommodate…